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The Myth’s and Benefits of Working with IT Recruiters in Pittsburgh

Written by Eve on . Posted in .

What Makes IT Recruiters Good at Evaluating Candidates

There was a national article a few weeks ago that discussed that a good number of tech people, developers, designers, DBA’s, etc., perceive that typical IT recruiters don’t have the qualifications to fill open jobs because they lack technical field expertise. To help educate and bring a different viewpoint to this topic, I want to give you some insight into how at OpenArc, we occupy a unique niche. Disclaimer: We don’t consider our IT recruiters typical in any matter of the word.

The most compelling point to start with is that at OpenArc, we don’t just recruit qualified professionals for tech positions at outside companies; we employ a large team of software engineers internally to develop software solutions for our clients. This is a key differentiator in the Pittsburgh staffing industry and something we are proud to share.

First of few myths to review.

Myth #1: A person’s ability to perform their own job well qualifies technical people to have the skills to find good prospects, true or false? – False

Truth: OpenArc Technical Career Advisors work within a technical environment, have colleagues in the tech trenches, and have formal interview training to best identify the right prospects, giving them much broader skill set for candidate evaluations.

Myth #2: Your current technical team has a large pool of candidates that have been vetted for skill set, cultural fit, and are ready to go with two-weeks notice.- False

Truth: Your dev team will have to start from scratch to begin searching for semi-qualified candidates and won’t be taking the time OpenArc does to discuss your business, the organization, and the position requirements. Starting from scratch sounds tedious.

Let’s explore the many benefits of working with OpenArc’s qualified Technical Career Advisors to understand why it’s a better solution than trying to handle a candidate search without the help of an IT staffing firm.

1. Recruit Efficiently to Maximize Value and Minimize Costs

The best way to reduce costs without sacrificing productivity is to work with high-quality third-party providers when it makes sense. This is true of many aspects of today’s business, and it’s also true of finding qualified candidates to consider.

Working with us to find IT talent makes sense because:

  • Your people won’t waste time on tasks that take them away from their primary focus. You also don’t need to pay for the extra resources and training that they would need to perform this job on top of their other duties.
  • Hiring your own in-house recruiting department would take a tremendous investment in overhead, office space, and equipment. Also, you’d first have the time-consuming job of finding tech-savvy recruiters to hire.

Instead of having to gear up your recruiting department, you can call upon IT recruiters who are ready to hit the pavement running. You won’t have to spend your time screening resumes, contacting prospects, conducting initial interviews, and other administrative tasks. Instead, you can enjoy the luxury of choosing between a few well-screened applicants who are interested in your company and the position you offer.

2. Enjoy Access to a Larger and Better Pool of Talent

In today’s competitive market for technical talent, no one-size-fits-all approach works for all types of candidates. Experienced IT recruiters already know where to look and have the resources to handle the search. For instance, quality IT recruiters are already plugged into such resources as:

  • Technical job boards: We know how to create the types of job postings that will draw the right candidates. After that, we will make sure that those postings get seen in credible job listing sites online.
  • Candidate pipelines: Because we’re always focused upon technical recruiting, we’re continually building our pool of qualified candidates. We have them organized into an extensive database that’s easily searchable and accessible.
  • Passive searches: Often, the best candidates already have jobs but may consider switching for the right opportunities. Still, it takes a network of connections, credibility, and more than a bit of skill to communicate with these individuals in a way that will convince them to consider a career move.

While we work for you, you can also expect us to understand your brand and represent it very well. OpenArc helps candidates appreciate your business and company culture. We’ll even help negotiate terms and convince the best people that they should consider your company.

3. Benefit From a Good IT Recruiter’s Market Knowledge

Because it’s our job, we keep up with market trends. For instance, OpenArc’s clients can rely upon us for sound advice about the kinds of salary ranges that talent and leadership would expect for various types of jobs. These can differ quite a bit by experience level and type of skill. This is the kind of information that you will need to have to inform your job offers and even your expectations for the amount of time it may take to find the right people. When you partner with us, you get the benefit of our market knowledge to inform your recruiting efforts.

4. Choose the Best Way to Hire

Companies that can take advantage of a variety of hiring practices have the best chance to thrive in today’s competitive and often disruptive business climates. To meet our client’s needs, we let them choose between these flexible staffing options:

  • Direct hire placements: In some cases, you may want to find a long-term employee who will want to build a career at your business. Some top talent may only have an interest in a permanent job, and you may benefit from higher loyalty and the chance to train them to do things your way.
  • Contract talent: You may need a short-term resource for your project, and we have plenty of prospects for contract work as well. Sometimes, contractors will bring useful experience from having worked at other companies. Adding contractors to your teams will also give you an efficient way to scale up or down quickly.
  • Contract-to-Hire: By working with potential future employees as contractors first, you will have a great chance to ensure they are a perfect match for your project and your corporate culture. If you work with a contractor who ends up becoming a valuable contributor, you can offer to hire them. If the contractor doesn’t fit in with your long-term goals, you can always release them.
  • Consulting: We also employ highly skilled teams of consultants who we will manage for you. We can handle all stages of your technical projects with an in-house consulting team. Technically, these teams directly work for us, but they will commit to learning about your company and representing your brand well.

5. Reduce Hiring Risks

OpenArc stands upon our excellent record of submitting the right candidate the first time. On the other hand, you’re not responsible for fees until we deliver your next team member. This means that your business does not need to make a significant investment in recruiting IT people until you’re already satisfied.

We have no incentive to send you unqualified people. OpenArc’s Technical Career Advisors take the time to handle the initial face-to-face interviews and other screening measures. You know that we’re motivated to introduce you to the best people because we only succeed when you succeed.

At OpenArc, Your Business is Our Business

If you want an IT recruiting partner that measures success by your satisfaction, welcome to OpenArc. We don’t just rely upon our tech-savvy IT recruiting teams to fill our client’s positions, we also depend upon them for our software development and consulting. Some of our own innovative web and mobile development projects include IoT, VR, mobile and web apps, and UI/UX designs. Even though we have developed a reputation as a leading Pittsburgh IT consulting company, we work all around the country.

To learn more, call (724)602-0286 or email [email protected]t us today.









