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Employee Spotlight: Sr. Account Manager, Jordan Gehlmann

Written by OpenArc on .

You’ve likely met her at a PTC event or have directly worked with her during her eight year tenure with OpenArc. Jordan knows the ins and outs of IT staffing and  clients give her tens across the board. With a fun personality and a “can do” attitude, Jordan is someone you enjoy knowing. Here is your opportunity to get to know a bit more about her.


Plain text version:

What have you gained while working at OpenArc? The ability to multitask and make connections with people. Through these connections, I have an inside look into how overcomplicated life can be, and I work with clients to simplify things where I can.

Where is your happy place in Pittsburgh? Boating in the summer!! We find the river calming and enjoy tubing, fishing, and relaxing as a family.

If you could switch jobs with anyone in software at OpenArc, who would it be? I’d move into the design realm of the business. Working with clients on User Interface design and journey mapping sounds like it would be fun. I’d make a good tech writer too, yet I’d miss the artistic side the design role offers.

What advice do you have for prospective OpenArc clients? The more feedback you give, the better! I listen, adapt, and get to know my clients to make the process more efficient and successful.

What two hashtags best describe your personality?

What would someone find shocking about your life as an Account Manager? That there are no set business hours in my role. I can’t honestly say it’s not 24/7, yet I am an early riser, and it’s always a full day.

Connect with Jordan on LinkedIn:

