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What’s New in Cross-Platform Mobile Development? It’s Flutter!

Written by Eve on . Posted in .

When talking about cross-platform mobile development and the general-purpose programming language, Dart the conversation will lead to Google’s SDK, Flutter. At the Flutter Live event in London this past December, Google announced the launch of Flutter 1.0. Referenced as the first stable release of the toolkit, Google’s opensource platform is designed to allow developers to “build beautiful native apps on iOS and Android from a single codebase.”

With Flutter, designers aren’t tied to framework limitations that are common with other frameworks. Flutter focuses on a powerful and flexible UI. Its easy setup environment allows you to control every pixel on the screen and with Flutter’s collection of widgets, the time to build beautiful interfaces is accelerated.

For those of you not familiar with Dart, it’s been described to me as very similar to C#. Plus, Google has a wealth of documentation and examples to help you get started quickly. Plus, have no fear of performance issues. Flutter aims to provide 60 frames per second (fps) performance, or 120 fps performance on devices capable of 120Hz updates, according to Google’s documentation on flutter performance profiling.

To learn more about Flutter, visit and to see how we can build you a beautiful app, connect with a strategist.
