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Viewpoint: When the Answer to the Question is, I Work in IT Consulting

Written by Eve on .

Fresh off the heels of the Pittsburgh CIO Award ceremony last night, today’s blog on IT consulting is inspired by the conversations I had last night with others attending the event. With any networking event, within 30 seconds of meeting someone new, the question arises, “What do you do?” I’ve found the most concise answer to be; “I work at OpenArc, an IT consulting firm specializing In IT staffing and software development.” Then the pause, there tends to be some ambiguity around IT consulting, and software development is so broad that it’s difficult to explain to someone quickly all that it entails.

Here at our office, we explain it as we deliver real-time, real-world results for organizations and businesses using technology strategy. In our IT consulting practice, we take a collaborative approach which maximizes the team’s experience and resources to craft versatile, specific and Agile solutions in software and application development.

Think of it this way; you have a story you want to be delivered to the right audience; we have the expertise and resources to turn that vision into reality. When asked, what sets OpenArc apart from other IT consulting firms, I could rattle off a bulleted list, yet that wouldn’t go over well in the more casual conversations, therefore I explain that it is really our client relationships, customer service, and integrity that positions us a leader in IT consulting

Now if you asked any one of my colleagues who are on the front lines of IT consulting, they are going to tell you, “We love challenges!” With each new project, our team designs solutions based on in-depth research into client needs—not assumptions. By taking the time to craft what we believe is the best solution for your needs we can deliver a solution to you that is on time, on spec, and budget.

Circling back to where we started on IT consulting, I find that there are many companies struggling to outline a technology solution for their problem and this is where we come in. Many of these same companies are struggling to connect with high-quality IT candidates and when I mention as an IT consulting firm, we have a dedicated, practically 24/7 information technology staffing and recruiting team, that’s when that aha moment happens and the concept of endless capabilities is realized.
