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That Next Career Search and Defining Your Plan

Written by Eve on . Posted in .

A less than 2-minute survey on how developers are defining career search plans. (Survey = Coffee $)

Over the last month we have been dissecting some of the survey results on the web as it relates to developers and their careers. In an earlier blog,  Top Considerations for the Over 48,000 Developers Interested in Job Opportunities,” we reported that 75.2% of developers are interested in hearing about new job opportunities.

Now, we would like to understand more from you, a smaller audience of developers, to gain greater insight on how you are searching job boards, what position would you interview in a heartbeat for and really, how you plan that next career search.

If you are actively looking or consider yourself passively searching, contacting us would provide valuable and confidential insights on how developers are defining career search plans.

Your answers will remain confidential and any insights provided will be used to create resources to assist you in that next career search. 

Contact Us
